As most of us know, helping our children build strong…

Turtle Diary’s Recommended Math Games for Kindergarteners
The traditional class room learning styles are rapidly being replaced by ‘smart’ ways of teaching. Today’s technology has enabled us to enhance our child’s learning process through progressive and interactive programs. Research at John Hopkins University suggests that math skills are genetic and may be passed down by our ancestors. They landed at this conclusion by testing a concept called ‘number sense’. If the child develops a good number sense, it wouldn’t matter if their ancestors were math geniuses or not. To facilitate children in this regard, Turtle Diary provides a vast variety of fun math games for kids. An early start is the key to boosting your child’s number sense, and that’s why young kids should be motivated to play these educational games.
Educational activities, worksheets, videos and practice sessions are offered by Turtle Diary to aid parents and teachers. Although their math games are exciting enough for the children, the adults might also enjoy a game or two.
Spot the Number
Some kids love numbers, others not so much. But with this game, children will get to know the fun side of Math, while enhancing their number sense. Spot the number tests the number line skills of kids in kindergarten. Providing a great user interface, the children will enjoy this encounter with numbers.
- A dialogue box asks a question the answer to which is somewhere on the timeline.
- The child has to spot the number and then aim the cannon at the right place.
- If the aim is right, the cannon will shoot down the helicopter that appears on the selected number.
The game requires strategic thinking and stimulates quick decision making in children. As the clock ticks away, they will grasp the concept that will strengthen their number line skills.
Connect Numbers
Focusing on children’s number sense, this game is designed to assist them in learning counting.
- To join the fun, the child will have to start from the first dot and connect all of them by following the numbers in right order.
To test their number sense, some pictures start from a random number and proceed in numerical order. Colorful images will entice the children and make this learning experience exciting and enjoyable. This game helps children to learn numbers and their order, and stimulates their artistic side too. With a variety of pictures to choose from, this game is the perfect option for a fun filled activity. Other math games in this category include; Connect Count by 10 and Connect Count by 5.
Find the Shape
A fun filled way to introduce geometry. Find the shape will motivate children to learn about different shapes. It will familiarize them with basic shapes like circle, rectangle, square, triangle and more. A picture, made up of different shapes will show on the screen.
- The child has to identify the shape and count how many times it appears in the picture.
- Type the answer in a given circle to proceed.
After a few tries, children will be able to identify and recognize different shapes that will help develop their geometrical skills.
Turtle Diary offers math games for kindergarten to assist children in Counting, Sequencing, Graph, Tally-marks, Comparing groups, Positions and directions, Geometry, Skip-counting, Time, Fractions, Addition, Money, Probability and Subtraction.
Math games are really great for my kids. Each of the kids will have a specific hobby, so they have their favorite game sorts. However, being parents, we should direct them to the ones which help enhance their smartness and wisdom. Math games always help them love Math much more. How interesting! Now it’s high time to let them discover the world of Math games.