Spring Words

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Spring Words

Play Turtle Diary's Spring Words game. It is just one of many exciting and interactive science games on Turtle Diary

Words Meaning Example
Blossom To produce flowers or bloom, often in the spring season. The cherry trees blossom in early April.
Flower The reproductive structure of a plant that often has colorful petals. She received a bouquet of beautiful flowers for her birthday.
Bloom To produce flowers or to reach the peak of beauty or development. The roses in the garden are starting to bloom.
Garden An outdoor area where plants, flowers, or vegetables are cultivated. We spent the weekend working in the garden, planting new seeds.
April The fourth month of the year, known for its unpredictable weather in some regions. April showers bring May flowers, as the saying goes.
Rain Precipitation in the form of water droplets falling from the sky. We stayed indoors when the heavy rain started.
Sunshine Direct sunlight or the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface. The warmth of the sunshine made everyone smile.
Warm Having a moderate or high degree of heat; not cold. The warm breeze in spring is so pleasant.
Renewal The process of being made new, restored, or regenerated. Spring is a time of renewal in nature and a fresh start for many people.
Green The color of grass and leaves when they are healthy and full of life. The fields turned green as the plants started growing.
Picnic An outdoor meal usually enjoyed in a park or natural setting. We packed sandwiches and went for a picnic by the lake.
Breeze A gentle, light wind or a current of air. The spring breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers.
Chirp The high-pitched sound made by small birds, insects, or some animals. The birds began to chirp at sunrise.
Butterfly An insect with colorful wings that typically flies during the day. We saw a beautiful butterfly in the garden.
Growth The process of increasing in size, quantity, or development. Spring is a time of rapid growth for plants and trees.
Warmth The quality or state of being warm; a comfortable level of heat. The warmth of the sun on my skin felt wonderful.
Awakening The act or process of waking up from sleep or becoming aware of something. The awakening of nature in spring is truly beautiful.
Meadow An open field or pasture where grass and wildflowers grow. We had a picnic in the peaceful meadow.
Rejuvenation The act of making someone or something look or feel better, younger, or more vital. Spring is a time of rejuvenation for both the body and mind.
Joy A feeling of great pleasure or happiness. The children played in the park with pure joy.