Adverbs of Comment

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Game 1 : Race for Adverb of Comment
Game 2 : Climbing Stickman
Game 3 : Search the Adverb of Comment

Adverbs of Comment or Viewpoint

Adverbs of comment or viewpoint are unique in that they play their own specific part within a sentence by giving the opinion, thought, or commentary on the verb from the speaker. You can find adverbs of viewpoint at the beginning of a sentence with a comma afterwards. This sets up the sentence right away with a specific tone or attitude. Adverbs of comment can be found within the sentence itself.

Here are some examples:

UNFORTUNATELYUnfortunately, we were unable to go to the party. (viewpoint)
We were unfortunately unable to go to the party. (comment)
FORTUNATELYFortunately, we had a wrench in the toolbox. (viewpoint)
We fortunately had a wrench in the toolbox. (comment)
CLEARLYClearly, we weren’t going to stay a minute longer. (viewpoint)
We clearly weren’t going to stay a minute longer. (comment)

Here is a list of common Adverbs of Comment or Viewpoint and examples:

carelesslyShe carelessly painted the fence, splattering everywhere.
certainlyCertainly, you don’t mean to cut there.
confidentiallyConfidentially, I can say that he is pleading guilty.
disappointinglyDisappointingly, we won’t be able to go.
foolishlyThey foolishly went out in the storm.
naturallyNaturally, I want to wear my best shoes.
obviouslyObviously, we’re going to stay until the end.
simplyWe simply haven’t got the time.
technicallyTechnically, they only have one more day to finish.
theoreticallyTheoretically, we could go in August.
thoughtfullyShe thoughtfully considered her options.
truthfullyTruthfully, I have no idea where it is.
wiselyHe wisely chose to wait until next year to drive.
wronglyThey wrongly took something that wasn’t theirs.

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